Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Recyling newspapers and the end of the Wishbone for me

I recycle newspapers. Its a well known fact. I collect my own, that of people who leave them on the train, and that of whatever workplace I am occupying. It was turning into a bit of a newspaper fetish. Then voila.

I discovered the recyling section at the back of the Post Office. When the bin is nearly full. Its a like a lucky dip for a lady with a newspaper fetish. But alas, I went tonight and the bin was empty:-(

Mental note: Visit the recycling station before Council rubbish collection day - not after recently after rubbish collection day.

There is a reason I collect newspapers, apart from the fact that has become one of my addictions, (although I'm getting the "bad" ones under control, actually). It is to put as a layer on my garden.

The magic formula is: weed, layer of horse manure, thick layer of newspaper (hence lots of newspapers are required) and layer of peastraw. Result: hopefully a lot less weeding over the winter period.

Wishbone ham egg and cheese sandwiches have risen 50c to $6.00 for two pieces of bread with egg, cheese and ham. For some reason I could bring myself to pay $5.50. But I cannot bring myself to pay $6.00. Thats outrageous. I will be making my lunch, at least, more often.

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