Now heres the rub. Like talk to me about energy saving measures. I am the energy saving Queen. But do my colleagues know that? NO. Beccuase to them its all about political correctness. Oh please. Heck I go to work at the moment for free heating and lighting. Give me some joy!!!
What else did we discusss at the admin meeting:
- How many compressions it takes to giive someone CPR - appranetly its 20 or 30.
- Where the defribalator is located - this is important becasue one of the dep secs once had a heart attack.
- When people are going on annual leave
- Who will be monitroing international developments. I was pressured to volunteer for this task but resisted
- what workshops/conferences/people will be attending
I don't know, maybe having worked in Health I'm immune to taking the first aid stuff seriously - but actually I think its good advice, if there is an emergency get the people who know what they are doing involved.
zhello, I have risk factors for a heart attack. Should I die at my work place and you have read this entry, please note at my funeral that it was the admin meetings that casued my death and not the risk factors.
I hope, despite the odds of the attendance at the admin meetings, and the other risk factors that I have, I do get the privelege of dying of natural causes.
Fortunately the admin meetings only happen ev ery 2 weeks - I take credit for this. Its progress. But they should't happen at all.
Upshot. I think I am in the process of disenfranchising myself from my manager. Not a good career move - or maybe it is, if it want to keep it real and remember what it is important - other than free heating.