Monday, August 18, 2008

Street party

At the weekend. Saturday night to be exact, it would seem there was a party 10 doors down from me. The kind where lots of photos get taken - the next day by the Police. And today there were Chubb security men on guard.

I checked todays Dom - no reportage of assualt, murder or P labs. I figure hundreds of empty tui bottles don't quite add up to P lab.

Guess my neighbours will know - what with their son in law a local policeman.

Tonight it seem business as usual at the house. It was occupied and the lights were on. Someone was outside smoking. I walked quickly passed though.

Sometimes it seems such a juxtoposition this stuff (whatvever stuff happened) happening in my street as most of time it seems quite normal. Makes me appreciate my neighbours if the worse crime in the world that they seem to commit is chopping branches of my tree down while I am work - and I only discover this at the weekend.

I don't really mind the chopping of the branch - I just think it would be polite to ask, not just chop it down and leave it for me to remove. I acknowledge the tree shades their rooms and I grew up in a house where I know what that is like. Still, I guess on the positive side, it saves me having to do it - and in comparison to the party that happened at the weekend, it makes them look like brill back neighbours.

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