Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Three words

Three words have crept into the venacular of the modern day discourse. These three words are "its all good". Like, people use these three words at the end of a sentence, a discussion. All sorts of people use these three words. Well, I don't like the way these three words are used. Its too like "have a nice day". Why do you have to say "Its all good" if in fact it is all good. Its a NZ equivalent of "have a nice day". Its a meaningless qaulifier. I suppose its an updated version of the old "she'll be right" now that I think about.

I far prefer the way the judge on Dancing With The Stars used the word Thats what I'd rather everyone finished their paragraphs, their sentences with. Cos you know, it could be ly good - or it could be ly bad.

Anyway, if you have a conversation with me, please do not use the words "its all good"!

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