Friday, December 7, 2007


Christmas is in vogue at this time of year. I can never bring myself to spell it it Xmas. This is becasue a vicar once preached to me to use the term X was to annoymise Christmas. To take the Christ out of Christmas. This was preaching before the X generation was even recognsied. I still believe that even if I don't give testimony to my belief by sitting in a pew each week and the weekly ritual of church. So, Christmas will always be for me about Christ.
This is why I struggle when I pass the Kirkcaldies Christmas Display and theres a whole window devoted to what looks like a model version of Burger King. Like, wheres the relation to Christmas to that. This is somewhat ironical given Burger King is more or less directly located opposite Kircaldies. I think its fine to adapt Christmas to what it means to you, but I just don't get where Burger King fits in with Christmas.

I have splendid Christmas decorations located in my spare room. So far, I don't know if I can be bothered with them this year. Hopefully this will pass. And I will think of an alternative way to celebrate Christmas in new ways - like invite new neighbours over. I am going to be be an orphan this Christmas. I am in adult orphan already. It's quite dramatic when I say it like that and I really only do say it for dramatic effect. But I really will be an orphan this year as my whanau will be offshore in Australia. This is one of the pitfalls of having a small whanau. I've got the Christmas cards to write this weekend. I think I may go back to the handwritten card this year rather than the generic one. Each year I wonder now "will I get to send this card t my aunt and uncle" next year.
This Christams I'm going to have four weeks off week. Potter round the house. That will be awesome. That reminds me my workplace don't send out "Christmas cards" they send out "holiday cards". Guess I'll be taking one long holiday:-)

Just had the last two days off work. I slept for most of them. I am very skilled at sleeping and will post seperately on that another time.

Strawberries: best easten small and a littel impfect straight form the strawberry basket. The quantity is small but the quality is unsurpassed.


Homeperm said...

isn't x some kind of crazy foreign alphabet's equivalent of chris?

also you will have to tell me about your job some time....

strong light said...

Heh. I had a tacher at my prmary school who got so angry at us if we wrote xmas. It was taking the christ our of Christmas apparently