Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Opportunity cost

Opportunity cost is when you give up work funded trips to Dublin, Dubai and Canberra to work in the Unisys building on the Terrace, Wellington.

Am I crazy? Tonight I think F*** having principles and yes, I must be v. crazy. But when I wake in the morning I will be glad again that I do have principles - and as Annie (lennox) would say "money can't buy it" . In the morning I will be glad again, just like I was today when "Don Johnson" appeared by my desk and I thought F*** you are a serious f-wit and twat. twat with a capital T so that is, Twat.

Sounds a bit self rightous and all that but sometimes its actually hard having principles - its harder though working with ex principals and Twats - well, at least I think so.

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